It was good to have a table reserved, since after a while it started to rain all the way till Yangshou. On top we could seek some shelter underneath a roof but it did not really protect from rain. Pictures from sunny Li River are not as pretty as the mystical ones with rain and some fog. That was our comfort. Never the less it was fantastic. After 4 hours we arrived in Yangshou and I saw Mo already looking for me.
Since it rained we postponed the bicycle tour to the halfmoon hill till tomorrow morning. For the evening Mo organized a ticked to the lightshow on the riverstage. It was just fantastic with an audiance of 2800. Even today they had to do the show twice although it was raining up to the beginning of the show. Mr. Jheng, the choreogragher of the opening show of the Olympics in Beijing did this show with elements from the olympics, just fantastic. The theme of the show was a wedding of a minority girl, where I am expert by now. I just made a mistake in the jesterday report, my bride was a Jao girl, excuse to her.
One picture i remember from the olymics: many long sheets of silk which actors in between moving them up and down like waves. Today fisherman on small boats did that with red silk. 600 actors participate in this show.
After the skow we enjoyed catfish and beer. Mo went into the kitchen to make sure that they use enough garlic since he knows that I like it.
Now I feel completely relaxed after a whole body massage in my hotel.
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